Intermediary Processing
Enhancing user experience during AI's processing time through engaging and informative feedback.
Intermediary processing is a critical phase where AI analyzes user input and prepares responses. Managing user expectations during this period is essential for maintaining engagement and satisfaction. This category includes patterns designed to provide feedback that keeps users informed and involved:

Display Waiting Indicator in Indeterminate Progress
Utilizes visual cues to indicate that the AI is processing, without specifying completion time, maintaining user engagement during uncertain wait times.

Show Detailed Information in Determinate Progress
Provides users with detailed progress updates, offering a clearer expectation of wait times and enhancing transparency.

Interactive Indicators
Incorporates interactive elements within progress indicators, allowing users to engage with the application even as they wait.

Enrich Context by Connecting to External Source
Expands the AI’s understanding by integrating information from external sources, enriching the processing phase and improving outcome relevance.
Looking to enhance AI processing feedback? Dive into our collection to explore effective intermediary processing techniques.
Maintaining user engagement during AI processing is pivotal. These intermediary processing patterns ensure that users remain informed, engaged, and satisfied, ultimately enhancing the user experience and trust in AI-driven applications.